Panel 1: When Conversation Fails… Art, Trauma, Gaza

This panel explores how artists provide a vocabulary to manage our witnessing and experiencing of traumatic times through poetry, textile art, visual art, and comedy. Elmaz Abinader explores When Conversation Fails... Poetry Speaks by examining poetry that navigates devastating emotional and physical terrains. Mounira Soliman in When Conversation Fails … Women Thread Needles and Weave explores how tatreez has become instrumental in resisting attempts to annihilate the existence of Palestine. Visual artist Manal Deeb in When Conversation Fails… We Illuminate discusses how the ongoing siege and genocide impact her creativity and artwork. Maha Elsaid in When Conversation Fails… We Laugh deconstructs comedians who disrupt misrepresentations of the Gaza genocide and push boundaries of free expression, showcasing solidarity.  

Thursday April 10
Event name
Start time
End time
Ticket type Fee

Panel 1: When Conversation Fails… Art, Trauma, Gaza
Thursday April 10

9:00 AM
11:00 AM